
Aromatherapy sessions are an individualized approach to supporting imbalances affecting many people today. Aromatherapy interacts with the individual through multiple mechanisms and pathways simultaneously via olfaction, inhalation, and topical application. Holistic aromatherapy is designed to support the complete person, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually/energetically.

After a thorough personal consultation, Amanda assesses which essential oils to use to address the underlying imbalances and patterns the client is working with currently. Amanda creates a custom essential oil blend during each session for the client. The essential oil blend is then applied using the principles of reflexology, the Chinese meridian system, Applied Kinesiology, and the chakras. Amanda may also use tuning forks on points where the essential oils were applied. Essential oils work on many levels to help balance and soothe the body. Often the clients feel very relaxed and may even fall asleep during a session.

After your session, Amanda will discuss lifestyle modifications and follow up home self-care to enhance the effects of the session. Terracina uses only the finest organic, wild-crafted, and vintage essential oils and extracts in our practice, and Amanda is committed to finding the right support for each individual client.


Client Education

Amanda provides private educational sessions for practitioners who wish to incorporate aromatherapy into their modality. Amanda has over fifteen years of teaching experience and is a guest lecturer, professor, program chair, and subject-specific consultant in Aromatherapy, Herbalism, and chemistry.  She offers a full range of educational opportunities from designing curriculum, to conducting workshops and classes.  Amanda has provided educational services to clients such as The American College of Healthcare Sciences, The College of Botanical Healing Arts and National University of Natural Medicine, as well as many local practitioners.

Fullscript Supplement Dispensary

Terracina clients order their herbal supplements online through Fullscript, a convenient professional dispensary service offering the largest catalog in the industry, refill reminders, and fast, affordable shipping. If you are already a client you may access your Fullscript account below.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Custom Blending

Terracina offers custom essential oil blending for clients’ personal home care as well as for professional use by acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other healthcare professionals. Clients’ needs and personal scent preferences are carefully assessed, and each blend is uniquely formulated. At Terracina Aromatics and Herbals, we have your best interest in mind, and we want you to feel empowered on your journey to optimum health or in your holistic health practice.


Herbal Medicine

Amanda is a Master Herbalist with background and training in Western, Ayurvedic, and Chinese Herbal Systems. Incorporating all aspects of her training in chemistry and herbalism, she creates custom herbal protocols to support her clients, as well as teaching clients how to pursue overall health.

Amanda's approach is focused on supporting the whole person. She works with each individual to understand their experiences, goals, and needs. Amanda chooses herbal supports fashioned to interact with the root and branch aspects of the individual's imbalance pattern. This helps the client achieve change in the short and long term.

Terracina Aromatics and Herbals also provides guidance for other holistic lifestyle changes to enhance the actions of the herbs. We provide referrals to other Complementary and Alternative practitioners in modalities such as acupuncture, massage, naturopathy, and chiropractic if we feel the client will benefit from additional treatment. Amanda will also work with practitioners to fashion herbal protocols that complement established treatments from other practitioners.

Only the finest herbs, extracts, and professional formulas are used.

Your Super Organic Superfood Mixes

Terracina is proud to be a US wholesaler and affiliate of Your Super, a whole foods and superfoods company that made its US debut in 2019. All the Your Super superfood mixes are USDA Certified Organic, NON-GMO verified, 100% plant-based and free from gluten, nuts, soy, dairy, sweeteners, fillers, additives, preservatives, flavoring, glyphosate and heavy metals. All ingredients are tested by third party labs to ensure they are of the highest quality. These will be wonderful herbal food additions for our clients or an everyday addition to a holistic lifestyle.

Ask Amanda about these mixes at your next appointment, or via email, or visit the Your Super website using the link below for more information. Be sure to use the coupon code TERRACINA at checkout to become a Terracina client in the Your Super system.

For every mix sold, Your Super donates one packet of life-saving food to children suffering from severe acute malnutrition through their partnership with Action Against Hunger.

The Retreat

Imagine a place that is your personal retreat from the outside world. No ringing phones. No business meetings. A place that is dedicated to your health and well-being. Welcome to your personal retreat at Terracina Aromatics and Herbals, a soothing escape in the middle of the city. Located in Central Eastside Portland, Oregon. Come in and relax your mind, body, and spirit through our unique mix of ancient and modern holistic health supports.


An initial exploratory phone or email consultation with Amanda may help determine if you would like to pursue the services she offers or purchase any Terracina products.  Feel free to contact Amanda with any questions or concerns at or at 503.750.1536.